About Registering to Vote

Online Voter Registration

The online voter registration site is managed by the Florida Division of Elections, and is not operated by this office.  If the state's online form is not working, you may print the Florida Voter Registration Application listed below and mail it to PO Box 300, Dade City FL  33526 or drop it off to any of our three office locations.

Printable Florida Voter Registration Application Form

Printable Spanish Solicitud de inscripción como votante en Florida


  • United States Citizen
  • At Least 18 Years of Age*
  • Legal Resident of Florida
  • Legal Resident of Pasco County**

*16 and 17 year-olds may pre-register, but will be ineligible to vote until their 18th birthday

**In order to claim residency, you must have a valid physical address which you consider your primary residence. Part-time residents must renege their voting privileges elsewhere. The Supervisor of Elections' office will automatically notify officials in your former state or county to cancel your voter registration if that information is completed on the application. It is unlawful to register at a business address unless you in fact reside at the business. It is permissible to use your business address as your mailing address, or any address which agrees to accept mail for you.

You are not entitled to register to vote if...

  • You have been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with regard to voting in Florida or any other state and you have not had your right to vote restored pursuant to law.
  • You have been convicted of any felony by any court of record and you have not had your right to vote restored pursuant to law.

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Selecting a Party

You are not required to declare a party preference. Applicants who fail to designate a political party affiliation will be registered without party affiliation; however, Florida is a closed primary state. In a primary election voters may only vote for candidates in their party. By not selecting a party, you limit your vote in the primaries to only non-partisan candidates and issues.

There is an exception to this rule. At the November 1998 general election, voters approved Constitutional Revision No. 11. Part of Constitutional Revision No. 11 states: If all Candidates for an office have the same party affiliation and the winner will have no opposition in the general election, all qualified voters, regardless of party affiliation, may vote in the primary election for that office. This race will then be called a Universal Primary Contest.

In the general election, party affiliation is not an issue. You may vote for any candidate, regardless of party preference.

Party affiliation may be changed at any time; however, changes made within 29 days of an election will not go into effect until after the election. Party changes must be submitted on a Florida Voter Registration Application . Applications should be mailed to: Pasco County Supervisor of Elections, PO Box 300, Dade City FL 33526.

Change Your Party or Register to Vote Now

For a List of Political Parties in the State of Florida

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Complete a Voter Registration Application if you are:

  • Registering for the first time in Pasco County *
  • Making an address change
  • Requesting a party change to your current voter registration
  • Making a name change
  • Updating your signature
  • Requesting a duplicate information card

* If you are a first-time voter in the state of Florida and you are registering by mail

  • AND you have not been issued a Florida driver license or a Florida identification card,
  • AND you do not have a Social Security number...
  • then you are required to provide a copy of a current and valid alternative form of identification.

The following forms of identification shall be considered current and valid if they contain the name and photograph of the applicant and have not expired:

  1. United States passport
  2. Debit or credit card
  3. Military identification
  4. Student identification
  5. Retirement center identification
  6. Neighborhood association identification
  7. Public assistance identification
  8. Veteran health identification card issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs
  9. A license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm issued pursuant to s. 790.06
  10. Employee identification card issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the Federal Government, the state, a county, or a municipality

The following forms of identification shall be considered current and valid if they contain the name and current residence address of the applicant:

  1. Utility bill
  2. Bank Statement
  3. Government check
  4. Paycheck
  5. Other government document(excluding voter identification card)

Printable Florida Voter Registration Application Form

Printable Spanish Solicitud de inscripción como votante en Florida

Fill out the application completely, print, sign, date and mail it to:

Supervisor of Elections
PO BOX 300
DADE CITY FL 33526-0300

If your application is complete and your information can be verified, the Supervisor of Elections' office will mail a voter information card to your mailing address. The card serves as confirmation of your registration.

Applicants who submit incomplete applications or information that cannot be verified, will be notified by mail, and are not considered registered to vote until the supervisor's office receives all required information. To expedite the registration process, please read the application in full and submit all required information.

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Protected Addresses

Section 119.071(4), Florida Statutes, provides that certain records pertaining to specified personnel are exempt from the public records law and will not be subject to disclosure except for official business. The information considered to be confidential includes home address, telephone number, social security number, and photographs. These items are also confidential for the spouses and children of such personnel. 

If you qualify for protection under this statute, you will need to submit an Exemption from Public Records Request Form. Please print, complete, and mail the form to:

Pasco County Supervisor of Elections
PO Box 300
Dade City FL 33526-0300 


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