January 31, 2023
Contact: Brian E. Corley
Candidate Qualifying Opens for Municipal Elections
Pasco County, FL – Brian E. Corley, Supervisor of Elections, Pasco County, announces that candidate qualifying for Municipal Elections begins at noon on February 7, 2023, and ends at noon on February 14, 2023. With the close of candidate qualifying, it will be determined which municipalities will be holding elections on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. Interested parties should contact their respective City Clerk for more information on candidate qualifying for Municipal Elections.
Municipal Elections are for voters residing within the city limits only. Information on city candidates is available on our website,, and sample ballots will be published in the Tampa Bay Times on Friday, April 7, 2023. As always, election results will be posted on after 7:00 p.m. on April 11, 2023.
All voters going to the polls for Municipal Elections should bring photo and signature identification or they will be required to vote a provisional ballot. Voters are also encouraged to update their voter registration record prior to Election Day by contacting the elections’ office at 800-851-8754 or visiting